Saturday 15 March 2014



-Primary (Essential)

-Secondary (Non Essential)

Primary or Essential Hypertension: Indicates that the reason for the elevation in blood pressure

cannot be identified.Approximately 90% of people with hypertension have primary type while the

remaining 10%

have secondary non essential hypertension.

There are two main types of hypertension and four types that are less common. Depending on the

 type of hypertension, the cause could be known or unknown. Hypertension is suspected to be as a

result of combined factors related to genetics, diets and lifestyle.

The most common are:

Primary hypertension and Secondary hypertension.

The other less common include malignant hypertension, isolated systolic hypertension, white coat

hypertension and resistant hypertension.

Primary (Essential) Hypertension- indicates that the reason for the elevation in the blood pressure

 cannot be identified. Approximately 90% of people with hypertension have primary type while the

remaining 10% have secondary (non essential) hypertension.

Secondary(Non-Essential)Hypertension-It is a term used to signify high blood pressure from an

 identified cause. Such as drug induced or related causes, obesity, renal disorder, metabolic and

 endocrine causes, pregnancy induced phaechromocytoma.

Malignant hypertension-This occurs suddenly and drastically, The person might experience


in the body as well as vision problems, extreme fatigue, confusion, anxiety and seizures. It is very

 rare and affect both children and adults.Pregnant women are also at risk

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